So in my downtime (haha) I am usually helping out friends. A friend of mine has a local restaurant here in Morgantown and he wanted a wine rack. When he told me he was just going to make one from 2x4's and chain link I had to intervene. Everyone is under budgetary constraints but I couldn't let it happen so I've slowly been building one for him. When it's complete it will hold 208 bottles of wine if my count is correct. Here are some progress pics.
Left side detail.
Right side detail.
Loose sketch for the doors.
Doors are started. They are mirror images so to stay consistent I stacked the doors and built them on top of one another. This saves time and more importantly allows for duplication.
The outline for the lightning bolts are done. Now on to the launch smoke.
Side shot.
For the launch clouds I simply found a large diameter piece of pipe and welded a keeper, or a catch, and with smooth and steady pressure I made my way around the pipe with my 1/2 inch material. See pic below for end result.
Launch smoke is finished. Now to just tie up loose ends, weld it all together, give it a little love with a sander and the doors will be ready to install.
To keep this wine rack functional I am skinning the whole thing with expanded steel. This keeps prying hands from steeling the bottles and goes well with the aesthetic of the restaurant.
The doors are finally ready to install on the wine rack. Hoping this project will be completed by the end of the week. Now on to paint.
Here is a detail view of the doors while I was setting them in place.
View after the doors were welded onto the body of the rack.
These boards will be stained black and hung vertically in the wine rack. You can see the holes in the boards, the bottle will hang by their necks.
Installed and ready to serve its purpose. The wine rack holds 208 bottles of wine. There are deadbolts on each door to keep prying hands at bay. This was a commissioned project by the owner at Atomic Grill in Morgantown, WV.